Institut für Chemie und Biologie des Meeres (ICBM)

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Info Info General information
Lectures Week 1 Lectures Week 1 Lectures held in week 1 (Sediments, Microbiology, Porewater etc.)
Lectures Week 2 Lectures Week 2 Lectures held in Week 2 (Marine technology, modelling, nutrients etc.)
Publications Publications Pdf files of relevant publications
Student Presentations Student Presentations Presentations by the particpants
Data Week 1 Data Week 1 Data aquired during the first week of the course
(sediments, cells counts, pore water)
Data Week 2 Data Week 2 Data aquired during the second week of the course
(hydrography, nutrients, modelling)
Synopsis Synopsis Presentations prepared for the synopsis
Photos Photos Photos of the Summer School 2011
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Miscellaneous Miscellaneous All other business